Friday, 23 October 2020

Live stream in the era of COVID-19 [Flickr]

airwaysnc posted a photo:

Live stream in the era of COVID-19

Live Stream

In a blink of an eye, COVID-19 changed every facet of our ordinary life; from going to school, meeting with friends and family, and having fun. No one could have thought anything like COVID-19 could fall suddenly on the human race and, for that, got a little precaution.

The disease not only has taken so many lives so far but changed how we lived. Can you remember how you were living before it? The sad part is we would never go back to the same routines. In the beginning, all the hit countries went into silence. Then came technology to save us from pure isolation.

You also might be among those who adapted the new condition to get together with relatives and friends. In the meantime, there were those people who benefited from Live Streaming. A teacher started to broadcast his classes online, and then musicians started live concerts, then conferences, games, meetings, and even funerals went online.

The live stream, which was around before the pandemic, took over our daily lives while still in shock. Schools, colleges, and universities started their online classes and made halted education to survive. This seems to continue for the new semester as well since the COVID-19 still takes lives.

The way we get also entertained today depends on live streams more than any other time in human history, a point in time that has no return, maybe only on Hollywood movies.


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